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Crafting Visible & Engaging Buttons: Use Visual Cues, CTA & Consistency For Enhanced User Experience!

Make buttons visible and easily identifiable with size, contrast, proximity and position - use active verb CTA's for the best user experience.


Airbnb Pages' Consistency

Airbnb has the same layout in different streams. Airbnb has the same button style in all actions.

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Airbnb Pages' Consistency

Airbnb has the same layout in different streams. Airbnb has the same button style in all actions.

Make buttons visible and easily identifiable with size, contrast, proximity and position - use active verb CTA's for the best user experience.

Visual Cues

Users should be able to quickly identify buttons in a digital product through visual cues like size, contrast, proximity and position. Consistent visual design is critical in building a successful user experience.

Button Visibility 

To ensure maximum visibility, buttons should be prominent in screen design. For example, they should consistently appear larger than the surrounding components and make full use of the color palette, usually in a bold visual manner. Additionally, make sure buttons are strategically placed on the page, with the most important ones closest to the user’s focus area.

Call To Action (CTA)

The button’s Call To Action should be short, clear, and actionable. It should describe the successful outcome of pressing the button. For example “Sign Up”, “Download Now”, “Send Message”. Always use active verbs and make sure the Call To Action is visible and noticeable to attract user’s attention.


For the best user experience, your digital product should use the same language and visual design for all buttons across your product. Use consistent style for all buttons, adhere to the same design guidelines, and make sure there is no unintentionally misleading objects on the buttons. Additionally, it’s always good to keep in mind user expectations of standard components. 

Mobile Optimization 

For optimal performance mobile, consider touch target sizes and make sure any interactive elements (such as buttons) have a minimum touch target size of 44x44 dps.

Final Note

Designing your buttons with the considerations above will make sure your digital product is easy to use, with a nice user experience. A successful experience is the one that allows users feel in control, achieving the desired outcome with minimum errors and maximum satisfaction.

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